Try Hop Nosh Tangerine An American IPA On Tap
The Uinta Brewing Company’s Hop Nush Tangerine IPA has a citrus, tropical, and crisp flavor profile. With an 82 IBU, 14 SRM, and 7.3% ABV this juicy IPA is one to enjoy all summer all! Don’t forget to bring your 64oz Growler or your 32oz Growlette and we will fill it with Hop Nosh Tangerine IPA or another craft beer from current our tap list. Read a Hop Nosh Tangerine review from BeerAdvocate by nicholas2121 below.
4.64/5 rDev +21.8%
look: 4.25 | smell: 4.5 | taste: 4.75 | feel: 4.5 | overall: 4.75Hop Nosh Tangerine IPA brewed by Uinta Brewing Company, with an ABV of 7.30% This American IPA pours out a orange amber color with a nice white head. Really digging the copperish color of this brew. There is some nice lacing to this brew, it sticks to the side of the glass well. The is rich with citrus sweetness and hops. You also pick up on some nice earthly grains and malts in the smell of this brew. This is one inviting brew, between the look and the smell. Now for the taste, it is bold with Tangerine and Hop bitterness. You also pick up on some nice smooth earthly grains and malts at the of this brew. There is a lot going on in Hop Nosh Tangerine IPA. The tangerine is a real nice touch to this brew. This American IPA has a super nice balance to it, there is nothing overpowering about. I can’t get over how smooth this brew goes down it hard to pick up on the 7.30% ABV in this brew. The mouth feel of Hop Nosh Tangerine IPA is Bold, Hoppy, Clean , Smooth and Refreshing. Overall I’m giving this American IPA a 4.75 out of 5. I would definitely look this brew up again. I like how this brew is a bit different from most IPA’s on the market. Uinta Brewing Company, did a real nice job with this American IPA.
nicholas2121, May 07, 2017
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SRC: Click to read more reviews of Hop Nosh Tangerine by Uinta Brewing Company.