Throwing A Party? Get A Keg!
If you’re throwing a party you’ll want to get a keg! Kegs are perfect for football parties, college keg parties, holidays, birthdays, and just about any event you want to celebrate with friends and lots of beer!
Keg prices vary depending on the keg size and style of beer. Our kegs come in several sizes. When deciding on a keg size, figure the number of adult beer drinkers coming to your event, not the number of people coming to your event. You don’t want to over order and end up wasting your keg.
Tips To Make Your Keg Party Better!
Make sure to get the right tap for your keg when you pick up the keg or accept the delivery. You’re charged a refundable deposit for the tap equipment, so treat it with care.
Understand the keg system you’re using. The two most common keg systems in the market are the straight-sided, easy-to-use Sankey kegs — used by Anheuser-Busch, Miller, and most microbreweries — and the outdated Hoff-Stevens kegs, with their bulging sides and obvious bung hole (the corked opening where the keg is filled).
The Hoff-Stevens system must be screwed carefully onto the keg (watch out for spray!). Make sure the taps are clean and properly seated on the openings, or else the keg won’t pressurize properly. If the keg doesn’t pressurize, you don’t drink!
Keep the beer as cold as possible. If you don’t have a huge refrigerator, place ice on top and around the base of the keg while it stands in a large bucket or plastic garbage can.
Expect the first gallon or so to be a little foamier than usual. After all, it’s probably been jostled a bit during delivery, but the beer eventually comes out normal.
Be prepared for leftovers. Some people may say that you can never have too much beer, and no good host wants to run out. That means possible leftover beer. If you don’t want to return that precious nectar along with the keg after the party, plan ahead: Thoroughly clean some plastic milk jugs — or growlers, if you have them — and empty the contents of the keg into them. Refrigerate immediately and drink within a day or two.
Call The Hoppy Brewer at 503.328.8474 to order a keg today.
SOURCE: Click to learn more about Buying Beer in Kegs.