Showing 49–64 of 91 results
Czech Saaz
Alpha: 2.6%
Beta: 4.4%
Domestic Chocolate Malt
350L Should use in small amounts. Very strong chocolate roasted flavors including Coffee & Bitter Chocolate.
The 30-liter plastic fermenter has both liter and gallon markings on the side for easy measuring. A pre-threaded hole is ready to be drilled out so you can attach the included tap for siphon-free bottling and racking. The durable airlock screws directly into the fermenter’s lid and when properly filled with water it lets carbon dioxide escape without letting any oxygen get in. Finally, the included Fermometer-brand thermometer sticks to the side of your fermenter so you can accurately gauge the temperature of your brew and keep it in the desired range.
Flaked Corn
Add to mash for the classic “American Pilsner” flavor.
Franco Belges Med Caramel Munich Malt
Franco-Belges Sp. Lt. Aromatic Malt
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Franco-Belges/Amber Malt
Gives strong increase in aroma & body. True “Biscuit” flavor. Color 20L +/-
Alpha: 6.3%
Beta: 3.0%
Gambrinus ESB Malt
2.4 – 4L Well modified base malt. Easy to mash, it has lower diastatic power than Pilsner or Pale Ale.
Gambrinus Honey Malt
Gambrinus Munich Malt
10L A dark, malty base malt. Can be steeped but best in mash. Dominant flavor of Doppelbocks.
Gambrinus Vienna Malt
3L Stronger malt flavor than Pale or Pilsner malt. Excellent for adding depth without sweetness to light beers.
German Dark Wheat
6 – 7L
German Pilsner Malt
3.5L Fully modified and suitable for single infusion mashing. Use up to 100% for lagers and pilsners, or as a base malt of all other lager styles of beer.
German Vienna Malt
2L Vienna provides more rich, malty flavor as a base malt than Pale Ale or Pilsner malt.
Glass Carboys 5 gallon & 6 gallon
Airtight, easily sanitized and do not hold an odor. They are easier to clean than plastic carboys and are very impermeable to oxygen.